In the toolbox: StoryMap.JS

You may have heard of StoryMap.JS, made by the Knight Lab at Northwestern University. I’ll be using it at work soon, so I decided to give it a spin with some photos from a roadtrip I took around Sardinia earlier this year. 

I loved how it easy it was to get started on a StoryMap. I can imagine that it will be easy to get even the tech-queasy to try this out. What I DON’T love is how badly it displays in the narrow text block of this WordPress theme. (If I make the iFrame any shorter, the internal scroll just gets to be too much.) Check it out here for a better experience. 

StoryMap would have come in really handy for a talk I gave about this particular trip. I may never look at that PowerPoint again, but a StoryMap might make a nice way to tell the same tale as a user-guided experience.